nunu meets: Cate Blanchard
Over the next few weeks, we’ll be interviewing a handful of inspiring individuals, starting in London. These interviews won’t be long reads, just a little 5-10 minute dose of daily storytelling that perhaps, might spark some creativity, thought or self-reflection. I personally have learned something from each individual and can not wait to share their stories with you.
Hello, I’m Cate Blanchard. I’m an artist that paints abstract acrylics under the namesake @thesoberpainter.
I became alcohol-free in September 2019 and looked to painting to curb some of the cravings I felt from my alcohol addiction. Each painting is a numbered day of my sobriety, and I paint using a colour diary from the thoughts and feelings I felt that day.
Nunu: What was your moment of manifestation?
Cate: The first time a complete stranger purchased my artwork.
@thesoberrunner purchased a painting with the money she had saved from not drinking alcohol and from that point I had a strong urge to help the sober community and others facing addiction challenges.
Nunu: Can you describe a time when you felt most happy or proud of yourself?
Cate: I felt very proud when I had created enough work to hold a stall at Makers Market @stallmcr and offer my work to the public for the first time.
Nunu: & finally, who or what inspires you?
Cate: I’m totally obsessed/inspired by Vivienne Westwood. She’s an absolute force of nature when it comes to helping the earth and also keeping things “on brand” I’m attracted to her eccentricity, plus she’s northern ;)
You can check out Cate’s artwork on her Etsy profile and follow her incredible journey by following her instagram account @thesoberpainter.
She is the most wonderful woman and holds a very special place in my heart. I’m incredibly proud of you darling.